Age UK Nottingham & Nottinghamshire
Free finance clinics for people aged 55+
Book your appointment
Finance clinics are held on the first Friday of every month.
Telephone appointments are available from 10am – 1pm.
Call Age UK on 0115 844 0011 or email

Free financial advice through Age UK Nottingham & Nottinghamshire
In conjunction with Age UK Nottingham & Nottinghamshire, George Square Financial Management offers free financial help and support to anyone over the age of 55.
Our finance clinics, which launched back in 2019, continue to run on the first Friday of every month, where one of our experienced financial advisers is on hand to answer questions and provide assistance with a range of personal financial matters, including queries around pensions, pension transfers, retirement, tax planning and long-term care.
Free, confidential and professional guidance is given in a 30 minute session with an experienced financial adviser. Our advice is completely independent and impartial. Appointments are via telephone, and a face-to-face meeting can also be arranged following an initial telephone chat if that would be preferred.